姚晓天,教授,博导。工学博士(1992年在美国南加州大学获光电子学博士学位)。1990~2000年任美国加州理工学院NASA喷气动力实验室(JPL)资深研究员,先后三年(1998、2000、2001)就任美国OFC(光纤技术)技术委员会成员,美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow),河北大学“长江学者”特聘教授,国家“973”计划分课题负责人,河北大学光信息技术创新中心主任。
多次应邀在重要国际会议(北美、欧洲、日本等国)上作特邀报告8篇,OFC会议Postdeadline(即大会重要发言)报告2篇。《微波光电技术(RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links)》光电技术专著作者之一,剑桥大学出版社2002年出版,这是第一本关于微波光电子通讯的权威著作。1996年度《光学与光电子学》新闻杂志(美国光学学会会刊)里程碑文章,SPIE年册收录里程碑文章,《光电子学手册(Photonics Handbook)》偏振专栏作者(A Laurin Publication出版)等。
美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow),电气与电子工程师协会会士(IEEE Fellow),光学顶级期刊Optics Letters责任编辑,Optic Express、Journal of Lightwave Technology、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters等著名期刊审稿人。
[1] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Changjiang Wei, Yimin Wang, Hongjie Wang, Zhihong Li.“Determination of the pressure coefficient of optical attenuation in different layers of in-vivo human skins with optical coherence tomography”, Photonics Journal, 8(1): 3800110, 2016. (SCI检索)
[2] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Zhihong Li, Zhuo Meng, Tiegen Liu, Longzhi Wang.“Measurements of the thermal coefficient of optical attenuation at different depth regions of in vivo human skins using optical coherence tomography: a pilot study”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(2): 500-513, 2015. (SCI检索)
[3] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Zhuo Meng, Longzhi Wang, Haimin Yu, Tiegen Liu.“Effect of temperature on noninvasive blood glucose monitoring in vivo using optical coherence tomography”, Chinese Optics Letters, 12(11): 111701, 2014. (SCI检索)
[4] Zhihong Li, Zhou Meng, Tiegen Liu, X. Steve Yao*. A novel method for determining and improving the quality of a quadrupolar fiber gyro coil under temperature variations. Optics Express, 21(2): 2521-2530, 2013. (SCI检索)
[5] Wang Longzhi, Meng Zhuo, Xiaotian Steve Yao*, Liu Tiegen, Su Ya,Qin Mingliang. Adaptive Speckle Reduction in OCT Volume Data Based on Block-Matching and 3-D Filtering. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE. 24 (20): 1802-1804, 2012. (SCI检索)
[6] X. S. Yao, X. Chen, and T. Liu, High accuracy polarization measurements using binary polarization rotators, Optics Express, 2010, 18(7), 6667-6685. (SCI检索)
[7] X. S. Yao, X. Chen, T. J. Xia, G. Wellbrock, D. Chen, D. Peterson, P. Zhang, A. Belisle, L. Dong and T. Yu, In-service light path PMD (polarization mode dispersion) monitoring by PMD compensation, Optics Express, 2010, 18(26), 27306-27318. (SCI检索)
[8] X. S. Yao, B. Zhang, X. Chen and A. E. Willner, Real-time optical spectrum analysis of a light source using a polarimeter, 2008, Optics Express, 16(22),17854-17863. (SCI检索)
[9] L. Yan, L. lin, A. Belisle, S. Wey and X. S. Yao, Programmable optical delay generator with uniform output and double-delay capability, Journal of Optical Networking, 2007, 6(1), 13-18. (SCI检索)
[10] X. Chen, L. Yan, and X. S. Yao, Waveplate analyzer using binary magneto-optic rotators, Optics Express, 2007, 15(20), 12989-12994. (SCI检索)
[11] Y. Shi, L. Yan, and X. S. Yao, Automatic Maximum–Minimum Search Method for Accurate PDL and DOP Characterization, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2006, 24(11), 4006-4012. (SCI检索)
[12] X. S. Yao, X. Chen, and L. Yan, Self-calibrating binary polarization analyzer, Optics Letters, 2006, 31(13), 1948-1950. (SCI检索)
[13] L. Yan, X. S. Yao, C. Yu, Y. Wang, L. Lin, Z. Chen, and A. E. Willner, High-Speed and Highly Repeatable Polarization-State Analyzer for 40-Gb/s System Performance Monitoring, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2006, 18(4), 643-645. (SCI检索)
[14] Y. Shi, L. Yan and X. S. Yao, Automatic Maximum-Minimum Search Method for Accurate PDL and DOP Characterization, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2006, 24(11), 4006-4012. (SCI检索)
[15] X. S. Yao, X. Chen and L. Yan, Self-calibrating Binary Polarization Analyzer, Optics Letters, 2006, 31(13), 1948-1950. (SCI检索)
[16] L. Yan, X. S. Yao, M. Hauer and A. Willner, Practical solutions to polarization-mode- dispersion emulation and compensation, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2006, 24(11), 3992-4005. (SCI检索)
[17] L. Yan, X. S. Yao and A. Willner, Enabling‘Hinge’Model in Polarization-Mode Dispersion Statistics Using Variable Differential-Group-Delay-Based Emulator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2006, 18(2), 427-429. (SCI检索)
[18] X. S. Yao, L. Yan and Y. Shi, Highly Repeatable All Solid-State Polarization State Generator, Optics Letters, 2005, 1324-1326. (SCI检索)
[19] L. Yan, X. S. Yao, Y. Shi and A. Willner, Simultaneous monitoring of both optical signal to noise ratio and polarization mode dispersion using polarization scrambling and polarization beam splitting, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2005, 23(10), 3290-3294. (SCI检索)
[20] X. S. Yao, L. Yan, and Y. Shi, Highly repeatable all-solid-state polarization-state generator, Optics Letters, 2005, 30(11), 1324-1326. (SCI检索)
[21] L. Yan, M. C. Hauer, Y. Shi and X. S. Yao, P. Ebrahimi, Y. Wang, A. Willner, and W. Kath, Polarization-Mode-Dispersion Emulator Using Variable Differential-Group-Delay (DGD) Elements and Its Use for Experimental Importance Sampling, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2004, 22(4),1051-1058. (SCI检索)
[22] L. Yan, C. Yeh, G. Yang, L. Lin, Z. Chen, Y. Q. Shi, A. E. Willner, and X. S. Yao, Programmable Group Delay Module Using Binary Polarization Switching, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2003, 21(7), 1676 -1684. (SCI检索)
[25] L. Y, X. Chen, and X. S. Yao, Optical differential group delay module with folded optical path: U.S. Patent 7,723,670, 2010.5.
[27] X. S. Yao, J. Chen and Y. Shi, Optical depolarizers and DGD generators based on optical delay: U.S. Patent 7,535,639, 2009.5.
[28] X. S. Yao, Compact optical delay devices: U.S. Patent 7,534,990, 2009.5.
[29] X. S. Yao, Measurements of polarization-dependent loss (PDL) and degree of polarization (DOP) using optical polarization controllers: U.S. Patent 7,522,785, 2009.4.
[30] X. S. Yao, Optical instrument and measurements using multiple tunable optical polarization rotators: U.S. Patent 7,466,471, 2008.12.
[31] X. S. Yao, X. Chen, and L. Yan, Polarization measurement and self-calibration based on multiple tunable optical polarization rotators: U.S. Patent 7,436,569, 2008.10.
[34] X. S. Yao, Optical instrument and measurements using multiple tunable optical polarization rotators: U.S. Patent 7,218,436, 2007.5.
[35] X. S. Yao, J. Chen and Y. Shi, Optical depolarizers and DGD generators based on optical delay: U.S. Patent 7,154,659, 2006.12.
[39] X. S. Yao, Photonic variable delay devices based on optical birefringence: U.S. Patent RE38,809, 2005.10.
[40] X. S. Yao, and Y. Shi, Optical spectrum monitor: U.S. Patent 6,937,798, 2005.8.
[41] X. S. Yao, Compact programmable photonic variable delay devices: U.S. Patent RE38,735, 2005.5.
[42] X. S. Yao, In-line optical polarimeter based on integration of free-space optical elements: U.S. Patent 6,836,327, 2004.12.
E-mail: steveyao888@yahoo.com