[1] X. Steve Yao* and Xiaosong Ma, "Sine-Cosine Techniques for Detecting Fast Optical Frequency Variations With Ultra-High Resolution," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2023,41(4):1041-1053.
[2] Wang, Xichen; Yao, X. Steve Yao*, “Phase-Locked Opto-Electronic Oscillator (OEO) of Ultralow Phase Noise With Record-Low Allan Deviation of 3.4 x 10-14 at 1 s,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2023,71(12):3278934.
[3] Guo, Zhenzhao, Xiao, Jinbiao. Wu, Shengbao*, “Experimental demonstration of a flexible and high-performance mode-order converter using subwavelength grating metamaterials,”Optics express,2023,31(6):10744-10757.
[4]Ting Feng, Jing Su, Da Wei, Dongyuan Li, Changheng Li, Fengping Yan,X. Steve Yao*, “Effective linewidth compression of a single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser with randomly distributed high scattering centers in the fiber induced by femtosecond laser pulses,” Optics express,2023,31(3):4238-4252.
[5] Lei Zhang, Zhenzhao Guo, Xiaofei Gu, Jinbiao Xiao, Ting Feng, and Shengbao Wu*, “All-silicon TM polarizer covering the 1260-1675 nm bandwidth using a band engineered subwavelength grating waveguide,” Optics letters, 2023,48(13):3431-3434.
[6] Bingyang Shen, Ting Feng*, Fengping Yan, Shengbao Wu, Jing Su, Shaoheng Guo and X. Steve Yao (2023). "2 µm band four-wavelength-switchable narrow linewidth fiber laser enabled by fs-laser direct-written polarization-dependent parallel fiber Bragg gratings." Optics Letters, 48(22): 5959-5962.
[7] Dongyuan Li, Shaoheng Guo, Ting Feng*, Shengbao Wu, F. Yan, Jing Su, Bingyang Shen, X. Steve Yao, “2-μm-band single-frequency Tm/Ho co-doped fiber laser with several-kHz linewidth in-100 nm wavelength-tunable range”, Optics & Lasers Technology, 2023,167(3):109766.
[8] Peng Hao, Zhenchuan Wang, X. Steve Yao*, “Non-mechanical Lidar beamforming enabled by combined wavelength-division- and time-division-multiplexing,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2023,164: 107493.
[9]Dongyuan Li,Ting Feng*, Shaoheng Guo,Shengbao Wu, Fengping Yan, Qi Li, X. Steve Yao, “Wavelength-Tunable Single-Longitudinal-Mode Narrow-Linewidth Thulium/Holmium Co-Doped Fiber Laser with Phase-Shifted Fiber Bragg Grating and Dual-Coupler-Ring Filter,” Photonics, 2023, 10(6), 693.
[10] Ziyi Lu, Ting Feng*, Fang Li, X. Steve Yao, “Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry Based Distributed Temperature Sensing Using Rayleigh Backscattering Enhanced Fiber,” Sensors, 2023, 23(12), 5748.
[11] Chongjia Huang*; Erwin H. W. Chan; Peng Hao; Xudong Wang, “Optical Carrier Phase Sweeping Based RF Signal Frequency Measurement System,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2023, 35(22): 1243-1246.
[12] Huang, Chongjia; Chan, Erwin Hoi Wing; Hao, Peng; Wang, Xudong, “Wideband High-Speed and High-Accuracy Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 2023, 15(3): 1-8.
[1]X. Steve Yao* and Xiaosong Ma, "Sine-Cosine Techniques for Detecting Fast Optical Frequency Variations With Ultra-High Resolution," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2023,41(4):1041-1053.
[2] Wu Shengbao, Guo Zhenzhao, Feng Ting, Xiao Jinbiao and X. Steve Yao*. “Compact and ultra-broadband all-silicon TM-pass and TE-reflected polarizer using grating based weakly coupled nanowires” Optics Express, 2022, 30(17), 29844-29855.
[3] Peng Hao, Jiaqi Niu, Xichen Wang, and X. Steve Yao*. Dual-loop diode-tuned Fourier domain harmonically mode-locked opto-electronic oscillator with over 50 dB side-mode spur reduction, Optics Express, 2022,30(25): 45569-45582.
[4] Ting Feng, Tiantian Miao, Ziyi Lu and X. Steve Yao*. Clamping-force induced birefringence in a single-mode fiber in commercial V-grooves investigated with distributed polarization analysis [J]. Optics Express, 2022, 30(4): 5347-5359.
[5] Penghui Yao, X. Steve Yao*, Xiaojun Chen, Hao Xiao and Jianguang Li. “Relative error’s quadratic dependence on the electric current and the methods for its compensation in fiber optic current sensor systems” Optics Express, 2022, 30(25), 45471-45487.
[6] Shengwei Cui, Shan Gao, Changheng Li, Wei Zhang, and X. Steve Yao*, "Quantitative phase imaging based on polarization encoding". Optics Express. 2022, 30(24): 43622-43632.
[7] Su Ya, Fan Jianglin, Wang Xiuli, Li Jing, Duan Bingbing, Kang Le, Wei Liya and X. Steve Yao*. Noninvasive examination of the cardiac properties of insect embryos enabled by optical coherence tomography[J]. Journal of Biophotonics, 2022, 15(6): e202100308.
[8] Wu Shengbao, Hao Jinxin, Chen Xiaojun and X. Steve Yao*. "Location resolved internal structure identification and defect detection in PIC chips with optical coherence domain reflectometer." CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
[9] D. Wei, T. Feng, W. Sun, F. Yan, X. S. Yao. Widely Wavelength-Swept Single-Longitudinal-Mode Fiber Laser with Ultra-Narrow Linewidth in C+L-Band [J]. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2022, 14(4): 7134810.
[10] Zongjiang He, Zeheng Zhang, Ting Feng, Qing Li, X. Steve Yao. Liquid pressure sensing system based on distributed polarization crosstalk analysis in polarization maintaining fiber [J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2022, 18(11): 651-657.
[11] 汪杨, 冯亭, 吴胜保, 田成强, 王颖. 高灵敏度双光纤布拉格光栅应变传感实验教学系统 [J]. 大学物理, 2022, 41(6): 54-59.
[12] 苗甜甜, 冯亭, 路子億, 姚晓天. 单模光纤拉伸器分布式双折射特性实验研究 [J]. 光电子·激光, 2022, 33(5): 458-464.
[13] 毕文文, 冯亭, 苏鲸, 延凤平, 姚晓天. 布里渊双波长窄线宽光纤激光器及其扫频微波信号生成研究 [J]. 发光学报, 2022, 43(10): 1061-1068.
[14] 孙威威, 冯亭, 李东元, 秦齐, 延凤平, 韦达, 姚晓天. 2μm波段混合复合谐振腔型单纵模光纤激光器 [J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 2023, 60(5): 0514006.
[15] 牛嘉琪, 郝鹏, 王凯, 姚晓天. 傅里叶域锁模光电振荡器的锁模匹配精度研究[J]. 光学学报, 2022, 42(10):1023001. ( EI, 中国最具国际影响力学术期刊)
[16] 周聪聪, 姚晓天, 苏亚, 郝鹏, 崔省伟, 刘逸飞, 何松. 基于OCT无创血糖检测的图像校正补偿方法[J]. 中国激光, 2022, 49(24): 2407201。 EI
[17] 李佳,孟晨,苏亚,吴胜保,郝鹏,姚晓天.开环光纤陀螺大动态范围正交解调算法的影响因素[J].激光与光电子学进展,2022,59(17):115-122.
[18] 王秀丽, 杜若瑄, 姚晓天, 苏亚等. 基于OCT的昆虫心脏功能参数自动检测定量分析方法[J]. 中国激光, 2022, 49(20): 2007202。 EI
[1] Ya Su, Huiqing Liu, Hongjie Wang, Lei Chen, Guoqing Yang, Haishu Xin, X. Steve Yao*, Two dimensional correlation (2D) method for improving the accuracy of OCT based noninvasive blood glucose concentration (BGC) monitoring, Lasers in Medical Science (2021).(SCI检索)
[2] Ting Feng, Da Wei, WenWen Bi, WeiWei Sun, ShengBao Wu, MeiLi Jiang, FengPing Yan, YuPing Suo, X. Steve Yao*, Wavelength-switchable ultra-narrow linewidth fiber laser enabled by a figure-8 compound-ring-cavity filter and a polarization-managed four-channel filter[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(20): 31179-31200. (SCI 检索, 二区TOP)
[3] ShengBao Wu, JinXin Hao, ZhiCheng Zhao, X. Steve Yao*, Low loss and high extinction ratio all-silicon TM-pass polarizer with reflection removal enabled by contra-mode conversion Bragg-gratings[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(17): 27640-27652. (SCI 检索, 二区TOP)
[4] Xichen Wang, X. Steve Yao*, Peng Hao, Ting Feng, Xinwei Chen, Yuhua Chong, Ultra-Low phase noise measurement of microwave sources using carrier suppression enabled by a photonic delay line[J].Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(22) ,7028 -7039. (SCI 检索, JCR一区)
[5] 韦达, 冯亭, 延凤平, 马泽原, 姚晓天. 傅里叶域锁模扫频光纤激光器研究方法一一以掺铒光纤激光器为例[J].中国激光, 2021, 48(16): 1601003.
1.Peng Hao; Hao Lu; RuXia Han; XiChen Wang; XueSheng Liu; X. Steve Yao*, Fourier domain mode-locked opto-electronic oscillator with a diode-tuned bandpass filter[J]. Optics Express, 2020, 28(16): 23454-23466.(SCI 检索, 二区TOP)(Editor’s Pick)
2.Ya Su, Liya Wei, Hao Tan, Jing Li, Wenping Li, Lei Fu, Tongxin Wang, Le Kang*, X. Steve Yao*, OCT as a non-invasive 3D real time imaging tool for the rapid evaluation of phenotypic variations in insect embryonic development, Journal of Biophotonics (2020), 13(2). (SCI检索二区)(封面文章)
3.X. Steve Yao*; XueSheng Liu; Peng Hao*. Scan-less 3D optical sensing/Lidar scheme enabled by wavelength division demultiplexing and position-to-angle conversion of a lens[J]. Optics Express, 2020, 28(24): 35884-35897. (SCI 检索, 二区TOP)
4.Peng Hao; Chao Yu; Ting Feng; Zeheng Zhang; MingLiang Qin; Xin Zhao; Hua He; X. Steve Yao*, PM fiber based sensing tapes with automated 45 degrees birefringence axis alignment for distributed force/pressure sensing[J]. Optics Express, 2020, 28(13):18829-18842. (SCI 检索, 二区TOP)
5.Ting Feng, Junnan Zhou, YanLing Shang, XiaoJun Chen, X. Steve Yao, "Distributed transverse-force sensing along a single-mode fiber using polarization-analyzing OFDR". Optics Express (2020) 28(21) 31253-31271 (SCI 检索, 二区TOP)
6.Wu Shengbao, Xiao Jinbiao, Feng Ting, and Yao X. Steve, Broadband and high extinction ratio hybrid plasmonic waveguide-based TE-pass polarizer using multimode interference [J]. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2020, 37(10): 2968-2975 (SCI检索)
7.Wu Shengbao, Zhao Zhicheng, Feng Ting, et al. Compact cross-slot waveguide polarization beam splitter using a sandwich-type coupler[J]. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(5): 1447-1453. (SCI检索)
8.Zeheng Zhang, Ting Feng*, Junnan Zhou, and X. Steve Yao, Demonstration of a polarization maintaining fiber tape for simultaneous transverse-force and temperature sensing based on distributed polarization crosstalk analysis, Proc. SPIE 11554, Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications X, 1155411 (10 October 2020) (EI Compendex检索)
[1] Ting Feng, Meili Jiang, Da Wei, Luna Zhang, Fengping Yan, Shengbao Wu, and X. Steve Yao*. "Four-wavelength-switchable SLM fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth using superimposed high-birefringence FBG and dual-coupler ring based compound-cavity filter." Optics Express (2019) 27(25): 36662-36679 (SCI检索 二区TOP)
[2] Ting Feng, Meili Jiang, Yating Ren, Mingming Wang, Fengping Yan, Yuping Suo, and X. Steve Yao*, “High stability multiwavelength random erbium-doped fiber laser with a reflecting-filter of six-superimposed fiber-Bragg-gratings” OSA Continuum (2019) 2(9): 2526-2538 (SCI检索).
[3] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Xichen Wang, Fengping Yan, Yuping Suo, and X. Steve Yao*, "Switchable 0.612 nm-spaced dual-wavelength fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth, ultra-high OSNR, ultra-low RIN and orthogonal polarization outputs" IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (2019) 37(13) 3173-3182 (SCI检索 二区)
[4] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Xichen Wang, Fengping Yan, Yuping Suo, and X. Steve Yao*, "C-band 41-wavelength-switchable single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth and high stability using a wide-band chirped Moiré fiber Bragg grating." Laser Physics Letters (2019) 16(2): 025106 (SCI检索)
[5] Zeheng Zhang, Ting Feng*, Zhihong Li, Junnan Zhou, Peng Hao and X. Steve Yao, Experimental study of transversal-stress-induced polarization crosstalk behaviors in polarization maintaining fibers. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia (2019), Proc. SPIE 11191, Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications IX. (EI Compendex检索)
[6] Meili Jiang, Ting Feng*, Da Wei, Mingming Wang, Aihua Liu, Peng Hao and X. Steve Yao, Switchable Dual-wavelength Erbium-doped Fiber Laser with High OSNR and Stability Using PM-FBG and CFBG. International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2019). (EI Compendex检索)
[7] X. Steve Yao*, Haifeng Xuan, Xiaojun Chen, Huanhuan Zou, Xu Liu, Xin Zhao "Polarimetry fiber optic gyroscope." Optics Express 27(14): 19984-19995 (SCI检索 二区TOP)
[8] Ya Su, Liya Wei, Hao Tan, Jing Li, Wenping Li, Lei Fu, Tongxin Wang, Le Kang*, X. Steve Yao*, “OCT as a non-invasive 3D real time imaging tool for the rapid evaluation of phenotypic variations in insect embryonic development”, Journal of Biophotonics (2020), 13(2). (SCI检索二区)
[9] Hao Tan, Ya Su*, Liya Wei, X.Steve Yao, Tongtong Mai, Xu Li, “Noninvasive 3D real time observation of physiological traits during the embryonic development of insect”, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia (2019), Proc. SPIE 11190, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics IX. (EI Compendex检索)
[10]Lizhen Ning; Penghui Yao; Lailong Wang; Hao Peng; X. Steve Yao, Measurement of electric current by the optical current sensor based on magneto-optic crystal, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia (2019), Proc. SPIE 11191, Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications IX(EI Compendex检索)
[1] Ting Feng, Yanling Shang, Xichen Wang, Shengbao Wu, Anton Khomenko, Xiaojun Chen and X. Steve Yao*,“Distributed polarization analysis with binary polarization rotators for the accurate measurement of distance-resolved birefringence along a single-mode fiber”Optics Express (2018) 26(20), 25989-26002 (SCI检索JCR二区TOP)
[2] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Meili Jiang, Xichen Wang, Fengping Yan, Yuping Suo and X. Steve Yao*,“C-band 41-wavelength-switchable SLM fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth and high stability using a wide-band chirped Moiré fiber Bragg grating”Laser Physics Letters (2019) 16(2): 025106 (SCI检索)
[3] Yanling Shang, Ting Feng*, Xichen Wang, Anton Khomenko, James Chen and X. Steve Yao,“Distributed Measurement of Bending-Induced Birefringence in Single-Mode Fibers with PA-OFDR. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2018 May 12-18, San Jose, California, Optical Society of America. (Ei Compendex检索)
[4] Zeheng Zhang, Ting Feng*, Xichen Wang, Yanling Shang, Mingming Wang and X. Steve Yao,“Demonstration of Liquid Pressure Fiber Sensing Based on Distributed Polarization Crosstalk Analysis”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2018, Oct. 26-29, Hangzhou, Zhejing, China. IEEE Xplore. (Ei Compendex检索)
[5] Mingming Wang, Ting Feng*, Weidong Lai and X. Steve Yao,“Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Fiber Laser with Effective Suppression of the Number of Longitudinal Modes”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2018, Oct. 26-29, Hangzhou, Zhejing, China. IEEE Xplore. (Ei Compendex检索)
[6]Guoqing Yang, X. Steve Yao, Ya Su*, Suling Liu, Ting Feng, Lei Chen, Hongjie Wang, Wenping Li,“Dermis-simulating phantom for noninvasive blood glucose sensing with OCT,”in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, 2018), p. JTu2A.98. (EI Compendex检索)
[1] Fu, Lei, Wenping Li, Ya Su, Yimin Wang, Lei Chen, Hongjie Wang, and X Steve Yao*. "Fast transversal flow vector resolving with high spatial resolution reachable using speckle decorrelation optical coherence tomography." In International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, W3A. 125. Optical Society of America.2017.
[2] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Dongliang Ding, and X Steve Yao*,“High OSNR and simple configuration dual-wavelength fiber laser with wide tunability in S+C+L band”Chinese Optics Letters 15(11): 110602, 2017. (SCI检索)
[3] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Zhihong Li and X Steve Yao,“First Quantitative Determination of Birefringence Variations Induced by Axial-Strain in Polarization Maintaining Fibers”Journal of Lightwave Technology (2017) 35(22) 4937-4942 (SCI检索JCR二区)
[4] Lei Fu, Ya Su, Yimin Wang, Lei Chen, Wenping Li, Hongjie Wang, Zhihong Li, and X Steve Yao. "Rapid Measurement of Transversal Flow Velocity Vector with High Spatial Resolution Using Speckle Decorrelation Optical Coherence Tomography." Optics Letters 42, no. 18 (2017): 3545-48. (SCI检索JCR二区)
[5] Zexi Xu, X Steve Yao, Zhenyang Ding, Xiaojun James Chen, Xin Zhao, Hao Xiao, Ting Feng, and Tiegen Liu, "Accurate measurements of circular and residual linear birefringences of spun fibers using binary polarization rotators," Opt. Express 25, 30780-30792 (2017).
[1] Changjiang Wei, Hongxin Chen,Xiaojun Chen, David Chen,Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao*.“Distributed transverse stress measurement along an optic fiber using polarimetric OFDR.”Optics Letters, 2016, 41(12): 2819-2822.
[2] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Changjiang Wei, Yimin Wang, Hongjie Wang, Zhihong Li, Determination of the pressure coefficient of optical attenuation in different layers of in-vivo human skins with optical coherence tomography, Photonics Journal, 2016, 8(1): 3800110.
[3] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Fengping Yan, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su and X. Steve Yao*,“Widely tunable single-/dual-wavelength fiber lasers with ultra-narrow linewidth and high OSNR using high quality passive subring cavity and novel tuning method.”Optics Express, 2016, 24(17) : 19760-19768.
[4] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su, Fengping Yan and X. Steve Yao*, Switchable 10 nm-spaced dual-wavelength SLM fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth and high OSNR using a novel multiple-ring configuration[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2016, 13(10):105104.
[5] Yimin Wang, David Huang, Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, "Two-dimensional phase unwrapping in Doppler Fourier domain optical coherence tomography", Optics express, 2016, 24(23): 26129- 26145.
[6] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Peng Liu, Hongxin Su and X. Steve Yao*.Widely tunable/wavelength-swept SLM fiber laser with ultra-narrow linewidth and ultra-high OS[J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2016, 12(6): 433-436.
[7] Hongxin Su, Ziwei Zhao, Ting Feng*, Dongliang Ding, Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao. Demonstration of distributed fiber-optic temperature sensing with PM fiber using polarization crosstalk analysis technique”SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2016. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Oct. 11-14, Beijing, China.
[8] Ya Su, Huiqing Liu, X. Steve Yao*, et al. Two-dimensional correlation between blood glucose and optical scattering for noninvasive blood glucose sensing with optical coherence tomography in Conference on Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JW4A.115.
[9] Dongliang Ding, Ting Feng*, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su, Zhihong Li and X. Steve Yao, "Demonstrati on of distributed fiber optic temperature sensing using polarization crosstalk analysis," in Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTu5A.105.
[10] Huiqing Liu, Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Changjiang Wei, Zhihong Li,“Quality inspection of solar cells by optical coherence tomography,”in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTh2A.9.
[1]苏亚,孟卓,于海民,王志龙,刘铁根,姚晓天等. OCT无创检测技术的人体血糖平衡延迟时间研究[J].激光技术, 2015, 39(1):19-22.
[2] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Zhihong Li, Zhuo Meng, Tiegen Liu, Longzhi Wang.“Measurements of the thermal coefficient of optical attenuation at different depth regions of in vivo human skins using optical coherence tomography: a pilot study”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2015,6(2): 500-513.
[3] Zhang R, Liu T, Han Q, Chen Y, Li L, X. Steve Yao. Temperature cross sensitivity characteristics of singlemode–multimode–singlemode fiber structure[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(1):7937.
[4] Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao, Xiaojun Chen, Meng Zhuo. Complete Characterization of Polarization- Maintaining Fibers Using Distributed Polarization Analysis[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33(2):372-380.
[5] Zhihong Li, Meng, Zhuo, Wang, LongZhi Wang, Tiegen Liu, X. Steve Yao. Tomographic Inspection of Fiber Coils Using Optical Coherence Tomography[J]. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(5):549-552.
[1]苏亚,孟卓,王龙志,于海民,刘铁根,姚晓天.光学相干层析无创血糖检测中相关性分析及标定研究[J].中国激光, 2014, 41(7): 0704002.
[2]苏红新,徐丽晶,陈金忠,李旭,温暖.”激光处理水溶液对ICP光源辐射的增强作用” 《光谱学与光谱分析》(2014)34(6):1667-1670
[3] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao*, Zhuo Meng, Longzhi Wang, Haimin Yu, Tiegen Liu. Effect of temperature on noninvasive blood glucose monitoring in vivo using optical coherence tomography[J], Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(11): 111701.
[4] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Shou Liu, Yan Bai, Wanjing Peng and Siyu Tan“Switchable and tunable single-longitudinal-mode dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with subring-cavity and superimposed fiber Bragg gratings”Laser Physics Letters (2014) 11(12) 125106
[5] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Shou Liu, Wanjing Peng, Siyu Tan, Yunlong Bai and Yan Bai”Switchable and wavelength-spacing-tunable single-frequency and single-polarization dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on a compound-cavity structure”Laser Physics (2014) 24(8) 085101
[6] Rongxiang Zhang, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Lin Li. The effect of linear birefringence on fiber
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